Bollywood star heroine, Sunny Leone, joined Malayalam film industry. Sharing a photo from the muhurt ceremony on the new film’s sets, she expressed excitement about working in Malayalam industry. She said she is very excited about the next stage of her career. Sunny joked that she almost burned her hands during the ceremony, demonstrating her commitment to and excitement for being a part of this amazing project headed by Pampally.
Sunny Leone In Bollywood
Bollywood films such as “Jism 2,” “Jackpot,” “Shootout at Wadala,” and “Ragini MMS 2,” garnered many admirers for Sunny Leone, many commanding her on-screen persona and skill. Her recent film is Anurag Kashyap’s “Kennedy.” Sunney starred in the film alongside Abhilash Thapliyal and Rahul Bhat. Sunny Leone’s performance in the movie was well received by critics and the movie was screened at esteemed events like the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne and the Cannes Film Festival. The compelling plot and excellent performances in the movie highlighted Sunny’s acting range and capability to create compelling roles.
Kennedy, And Sunny Leone’s Malayalam Journey
“Kennedy” showcased Sunny Leone’s increasing stature in the industry, when the movie was chosen as the closing night film of the 14th Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. Many fans praised her decision to enter the Malayalam film industry. They termed this a “reflection of her willingness to try new things.” Sunny gained popularity as a versatile actress and received many applauds for her commitment to work. She effortlessly transitions between different languages and genres and tries new things on every opportunity. This quality made her a highly sought-after celebrity in the film industry. Fans are also eagerly waiting for Sunny Leone’s next projects.