Mohanlal, the famed Malayalam actor, has began filming his milestone 360th project, “L360.” The film reunites Mohanlal and veteran actress Shobana after a long break since their previous collaboration in “Sagar Alias Jacky Reloaded” (2009).
Tharun Moorthy, famed for films like as “Operation Java” and “Saudi Vellakka,” started working on “L360” on April 22nd. Mohanlal expressed his gratitude on social media, expressing his delight for the project led by Moorthy and producer M. Renjith under the Rejaputhra Visual Media banner.
Mohanlal to Reprise Iconic Role From “Lucifer”
Mohanlal is also preparing on another highly anticipated project, “L2E: Empuraan.” This film is a sequel to the 2019 smash “Lucifer,” which marked actor Prithviraj Sukumaran’s directorial debut.
In “L2E: Empuraan,” Mohanlal will resume his enigmatic and captivating role as Stephen Nedumpally, a figure who has strongly resonated with audiences. The sequel’s poster shows Mohanlal with his back to the camera, holding a gun and confronting a chopper, alluding to the film’s action-packed aspect. Lyca Productions’ “L2E: Empuraan” was announced in August 2022 and will be released in Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.