Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has challenged the High Court’s verdict, justified the arrest of him in a money laundering case related to the liquor scam, in the Supreme Court. Kejriwal’s lawyer, Vivek Jain, has disclosed that a lawsuit has been filed in the Supreme Court challenging the HC’s order on behalf of the CM. It is reported that the petitioner has also objected to the comments made by the High Court.
It is known that when Kejriwal approached the Delhi High Court challenging his arrest, he was disappointed. The court said that the ED has sufficient evidence for the arrest, so the arrest and remand are not illegal. Therefore, the court dismisses the petition.
It said that the ED had shown evidence of money laundering, and the approver had said that money had been given for the Goa elections. The HC concluded that there is no difference in justice for the CM and for the common man.
It is known that ED officials arrested CM Arvind Kejriwal on March 21 in the liquor policy case. After that, the ED took him into their custody and interrogated him for a few days. He is currently in Tihad Jail as part of judicial remand until April 15.
In this context, the bench of Justice Swarnakanta Sharma of the Delhi High Court, which recently conducted a hearing on the petition filed by Kejriwal to challenge his arrest, gave its verdict on Tuesday. As the bench canceled the bail, Kejriwal recently approached the Apex Court.