Makers released trailer of the much-awaited supernatural thriller film, “Shaitaan” on Thursday. The upcoming supernatural thriller feature an ensembled cast of Ajay Devgn, R Madhavan and Jyotika. Ajay shared the trailer on his Instagram handle and captioned it, “Hell comes home with Shaitaan. Shaitaan Trailer out now.”
He also mentioned that the movie will be taking over cinemas on 8th March 2024. The trailer surprises the audience with a heart-thumping adrenaline moments. This gave a glimpse into the world of Shaitaan. This movie is an official remake of the Gujarati film, “Vash”. The film is about Kabir and his family. Their fun weekend takes a nightmarish turn when they let a friendly stranger (Madhavan) into the house.
As the time goes, the family was forced to confront their worst fears in this gripping tale. It deals with the sinister elements of Indian Black Magic. Jio Studios, Devgn Films and Panorama Studios are presenting the movie collectively. Shaitaan movie is produced by Ajay Devgn, Jyoti Deshpande, Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak.
The Vikas Bahl directorial is getting ready to be released on March 8. Once Ajay shared the trailer, fans swamped down the comment section and dropped red hearts and fire emoticons. Fans particularly praised Janki Bhodiwala’s acting, who played Devgn’s daughter who falls into Madhavan’s trap.
“Wow superb eagerly waiting,” a fan wrote. Another complemented that the trailer was outstanding. The recently released teaser and the first song ‘Khushiyan Bator Lo’ received very good responses from the fans.