Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) chief K. Sudhakaran, also the UDF candidate from the Kannur Lok Sabha constituency, has made serious allegations against LDF convener EP. Jayarajan, suggesting that Jayarajan was on the verge of joining the BJP after a meeting. Sudhakaran claimed that BJP leaders Rajeev Chandrasekhar and Sobha Surendran were part of this discussion, which reportedly took place in the Gulf
According to Sudhakaran, the meeting involved discussions about a governorship, with Jayarajan allegedly considering a switch to the BJP due to internal party issues. However, after facing threats from his own party, Jayarajan decided to remain with the CPI(M) and not switch sides. Sudhakaran highlighted that Jayarajan conducted the discussions through Sobha Surendran and was later coerced to retract his intentions after facing party pressure
The allegations made by Sudhakaran shed light on the political dynamics and potential shifts within Kerala’s political landscape. The upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Kerala, where all 20 constituencies will vote in a single phase on April 26, are expected to be closely watched given the recent developments and allegations. The outcome of these elections, with counting scheduled for June 4, will play a significant role in shaping the political scenario in Kerala, especially considering the historical performance of parties like the Congress, CPI-M, and BJP in the state.
In the 2019 general election, the Congress party registered a landslide victory by winning 19 out of the 20 seats in Kerala, while the CPI-M could only secure one seat. The BJP, on the other hand, failed to open its account. This outcome underscores the dominance of the Congress and the CPI-M in Kerala’s political landscape, with the BJP struggling to make significant inroads into the state’s electoral scene.