Congress leader and state minister Komati Reddy Venkata Reddy said that if BRS touches the Congress party, they will be uprooted. He claimed that the BRS would be closed after the Lok Sabha elections. He made these comments at a media conference held in Nalgonda. Komati Reddy said that KCR and KTR are talking about the arrest of MLC Kavitha, but soon they both will also be jailed.
Komatireddy strongly reacted to BRS chief KCR’s comments that the Congress government will fall within a year. The Minister challenged that the BRS will not get a single seat in the Lok Sabha elections, and he is ready to do anything if it happens. He accused BRS of trying to buy the Congress MLAs.
“BRS Party will be closed in three months. Only three MLAs will remain in that party. In this election, the real contest will be between the Congress and the BJP. Our party is going to win at least 12–13 seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in 2024,” Komati Reddy commented.